Yes, I have been away for a while. Fortunately a dear friend was able to continue with the support program during my absence. And I am very grateful to her.
While I was away I continued to hold all those you had lost infants close to my heart asking for healing and recovery.
It is good being back here in Cape Town again and have already started working at the hospital. As I get back into the swing of things I will be posting more blogs.
Please remember if you wish to attend our support meetings at Mowbray Maternity Hospital at 11.00 every third Wednesday of the month you are more than welcome. The group is open to anyone suffering the loss of a stillbirth.
Offering compassionate support through your journey of stillbirth or inter-uterine loss
You can put text here too
Friends and even family may have no idea what it is really like to lose a baby. We are here to help you find reassurance and hope for the future. Meetings are held at Mowbray Maternity Hospital every third Wednesday of the month, at 11am. Anyone grieving a stillbirth or inter- uterine death is welcome. You do not have to be a Mowbray patient.
Friday, 28 September 2012
Thursday, 19 April 2012
something as small as a smile to a passing stranger may gently ease your pain. I have noticed for myself while experiencing the suffering and
turmoil if I can somehow dig a little deeper and try to figure out where I can
give of my time or love to another there has been a shift in my pain.
Some mothers
have felt the need to donate their breast milk in honor of their baby they have
just lost. In doing this they have felt it was not all in vain, knowing they
have saved another little one who needed milk.
I have been
kangaroo nursing a wee infant whose birth weight was only 790 grams and whose
mother is not around. While I have sat there with this baby I have wondered
about all the mothers have been donating their breast milk. How fortunate for
this baby to be receiving the best of the best - breast milk. How grateful I
and this baby are for who have kept up a constant flow of milk
coming. I am happy to report that now at 66 days this little one is weighing
1200 grams.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Support meeting this month
Please remember we are having a support meeting for all those who are suffering the loss. It will be at Mowbray Maternity Hospital on Wed 18th April at 00.11. Part of your healing is loving yourself and joining us. May you and all be showered with peace and love
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Older children suffering the loss.
Young children under the age of seven or so are very open and
sensitive to their environment and may even see auras. (different colors around
people) So be open and listen to your youngster when he may say that he “saw”
the baby who passed. Children also have wonderful imaginations and may create a
game involving the deceased sibling. I suggest not encouraging it but rather
leave it as is because this may be the child’s way of dealing with their loss. You
may ask your child to tell you about the game if you wish.
For older kids they may be confused as what to do or how to feel.
And they will turn to you for answers and as a role model. As a parent who is
already grieving and suffering it will be hard to be fully present for others.
I suggest being natural, letting the tears flow and talking about your sadness
to help the older child. I am always in favor of asking the child to draw. You
can do this with your child. Draw what you are feeling, draw the family, draw
where you think your baby is resting. After drawing ask your child to explain
his or her picture. In this way you will get a better idea of how your child is
coping. Remember to share your drawing as well. Better still, do this as a
family activity, all sharing your thoughts and feelings amongst one another.
A young ten year who is trying to get a grip of death, dying,
funerals etc. may throw you off guard and ask if there is going to be a funeral
even though the fetus is only 12 weeks or less.
There may be some families where there are young adult
children. Young men may look at their fathers for guidance as to how to deal
with this loss. Young adult girls who are starting to think about being mothers
themselves may really struggle. Being open, talking and sharing whatever
feelings come up can be helpful for both mother and daughter. Another exercise
which helped me through my loss was writing. I wrote every day and just allowed
the feelings to come up and then put them down on paper. It felt like I was
flushing out all the feelings of anger, deep sadness, failure etc. I never
reread what I had written I simple crumpled up the paper and threw it away.
After you have shared some of your feelings you can ask your older son/daughter
if he/she wishes to share. They may not want to but don’t worry about that.
Give them time and space. Remember there is no right nor wrong way for
I have addressed all ages of children and given you some
general ideas of what to expect and in doing so you see how it all falls back
on the mother and father. It is so important for you to make sure you are
taking care of yourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. Be gentle,
patient and loving towards each other. It too shall pass.
There will be a rainbow after the storm.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Children feeling the loss of a sibling (toddler)
On one hand young children are able to bounce right back
after hearing that the little brother or sister will not be coming home. They
are far more accepting of the cycle of life than most adults. It has been my experience
to always answer the kid’s questions with a truthful and simple answer. Death
is all part of our daily lives. Maybe a pet has died so this experience can be
used to help explain what has happened to the baby who never comes home. How
did you deal with this death of your pet? Can you perhaps improve the way you
dealt with it as regards talking to your child? Remember keep it simple and
A client told me how she explained to her 3 year old that his
little sibling was living on a star when she was asked where the baby was. This
is not a hundred percent true but it is a tangible answer for a three year old
to grasp. And in essence the deceased baby’s soul is out there somewhere. This
satisfied the youngster who immediately went out to find a star and so every
night before going to bed he had to find the star and say goodnight to the
little one. The mother paid special attention to her son while he did this and
she found doing this activity gave her some joy and relief through her
suffering. So children can help parents in the healing process if they pay
On the other hand do not under estimate how much the
toddler/child understands or does not understand. If you miss any queues about
the child’s lack of understanding of death he or she may bury the pain of death
which may then fester until such time this child experiences another death when
it will then surface. Rule of thumb pay attention, tell the truth, keep it
simple, take queues from your child and notice also how you are dealing with
the situation.
The loss of your baby will give you an opportunity to
introduce your youngster to the one thing we all know for certain – we will all
die and everyone is touched by death throughout life. I remember clearly how my
mother helped me at a young age understand death and work through my grief when
two of my aunts died. Plus observing how my mother handled her grieving helped
me along my journey of better understanding death and dying.
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Not important how many months pregnant you are
A friend told me how she had lost two babies, one at only one month and the second at three months. Because her life situations were so different around each pregnancy her healing was different. It took her 2 years to heal after her first loss. She had friends and family to support her for her second loss and so recovered much faster. So we can't assume a short pregnancy is easier to recover from. Please no matter how long or how short your pregnancy was feel free to write your story if you need to.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Is There a Right Way To Grieve?
No, there is really no right or wrong way
to grieve. Each person does it in their own way. Plus there is no real time
frame for bereavement. For some women, they may grieve along with their
partners while others need to find a friend or counselor to share their sorrow
with. Don’t be surprised if your own mother does not really understand your
pain, especially if she has never experienced the loss of a baby. Weathering
this storm alone can make your road to recovery long and very lonely if you
have no one to give you an empathetic ear. Friends may not know what to say or
perhaps will offer you their sympathy but quickly change the subject. They fear
that your pain will stir up their own pain so they will push you away at arm’s
There is a rainbow after such a
horrific clash of birth and death. Recovery and rebalance will occur. Let me
share my road to recovery. For me writing my story down in longhand, letting
each and every feeling surface, reliving the whole event, expressing my anger to
whoever and putting this all down on paper meant I had gotten it out of my
system for that day. I wrote tirelessly not caring about my spelling let alone
my grammar or the profanity used. This writing was for no one else to read and
I certainly did not read it again, in fact I tore the paper up and threw it
away. Each morning I had to almost force myself to do this exercise but I soon
found that it got easier. Flushing out all the confusion, anger, “what if?”
questions that were going on in my head actually left me feeling better. Slowly
the crazy storm within changed to what eventually became a ray of sunlight. I
felt there was hope.
I invite you to do same or to find
something similar that works for you. Pick up a pencil and draw what you are
feeling. Don’t draw realistically, but instead do an abstract drawing. Again in
this way you are getting your feelings up and out on paper, but holding onto
Walking, swimming or hiking,
especially in nature, can be very helpful. Water is cleansing. If you are close
to the ocean go swimming.
We know too that telling our stories
can be helpful. Please let us hear your story for others to read. You will be
reaching out helping a fellow friend heal during her loss as well as assisting
yourself along your journey. Sharing is about caring for yourself and others.
We are all here feeling each other’s pain and trying to find peace and
tranquility. In sharing we are made aware that we are not alone on this
unchartered wild ride through pain and suffering. And in the end there will be
Phateka's Story
Phateka was 30 weeks pregnant when her world fell apart. She lost her baby.
There were no medical reasons why he had died. The weeks that followed were
filled with deep sadness, anger to all other mothers carrying babies, fear of
getting pregnant again, fear that something was wrong with her.
Phateka wasn’t able to sleep and when she did fall asleep she had bad
dreams. She noticed she was eating a lot trying to take her pain and suffering
No one understood how she felt, not even her mother. She felt very alone
and she was sinking into a deep dark hole.
Just when things were really bad she received a SMS from a woman who was
unaware of her loss, asking for help. Phateka liked this lady so said, “Yes!
She would help.” She felt a little uplifted by someone needing her. As if the
big black cloud over her had lifted a wee bit. This was her
first day leaving her house after a week. The sun felt good on back as she
walked to the old lady’s home.
After moving the lady’s furniture around her house to make room for a
family member coming to stay, the lady asked Phateka why she looked so sad.
Phateka hesitated at first, but feeling safe, she slowly told her story. Sharing
her story and truly being listened to, she felt the black heavy cloud starting to
lift even more.
Her friend then told her she had also lost a newborn when she was young.
She had experienced the same feelings and what had helped her to recover was
looking at the flowers. She realized that the flowers were as perfect as her
little girl who had died two hours after her birth. To this very day when she
looks at a flower she remembers her. The old woman said it was their way of
sharing their love with each other, even though this happened 26 years ago.
That night Phateka was able to fall asleep easily. The next morning it felt
like the sun was shining everywhere. She decided that she was going to help
others in honor of her little boy whose life was too short, but who loved his
mommy and who helped her to reach out and help others in need.
You will have a day filled with sunshine. Allow yourself to feel all the
feelings - this is normal. Be
patient with yourself and partner; cry all the tears which will help wash the
pain away. There will be a time when you too can find
that flower or person willing to listen. Perhaps write a letter to your baby
telling him or her how you feel. Start a garden, anything in honor of your
child. In so doing then your baby’s life is never really lost. This is a very
intimate relationship between you and your baby. Respect and trust - you will
heal and find hope.
How You Might Be Feeling...
The clash
between creating (birth) and destruction (death) in a single moment – along
with the confusion of no life between these two points can be devastating.
During grieving all kinds of feelings can be experienced. Some of the obvious
feelings are the following - these may be felt in any order:
You may not
feel like getting up in the morning. Falling asleep and staying asleep may be
hard, along with strange dreams. Not wanting to eat or socialize.
Angry at the
doctors, your partner, yourself, even God. You may ask yourself, “Why me?” “Am
I being punished?”
You could not
do anything to save your baby.
“Why didn’t I
listen.... or do this or do that?” “Why did my body fail me?” Self-blame, or
blaming the hospital staff or your partner.
Not only
losing your infant but, also the loss of your expectations and a future
Fear that
there is something wrong with you. Fear that if you truly let go and feel your
pain you will explode and go crazy. Fear that if you get pregnant again you
will repeat this terrible experience of loss, pain and suffering.
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